Graptophyllum spinigerum “Spiny Fuchsia”

Also known as Queensland Holly or Veiny Graptophyllum
Understory plant in Wet Sclerophyll Forest (Full Shade / Filtered Sun but will tolerate full sun)

A compact rounded shrub with attractive dark green leaves, and white flowers in Spring. The fruit is club-shaped and about 1cm. long.

Attracts Carpenter Bee, Blue-banded Bee and stingless bees.

Tubestock from Kumbartcho December 2019

Graptophyllum spinigerum
“Spiny Fuchsia”

Leaves appear smaller than Graptophyllum ilicifolium – Holly Fuschia

Planted by back patio with the Scaevola (Fan Flower) for the fairy wrens

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