Reduce, Recycle, Repurpose

Converting a Swimming Pool to a Water Tank

The art of repurposing is looking at something you don’t want – and turning it into something you do want. Had enough of that swimming pool? Some people love them but for others, the joy of pool ownership is overshadowed by the cost of maintenance, the need for refurbishment, and those compulsory fences. Turning pools […]

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Pool fences make good supports for vertical gardens

Pool fences are necessary – ugly, inconvenient, but necessary if you have a pool. But we no longer have a pool which means the fences can come down.  Woohoo! I can walk from the front to the back garden without negotiating two gates. Plus, without the fence cutting across your line of vision, the garden

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Free-range Worms

To save space and effort, I decided to do away with the compost bin and install more free-range worm stations instead. Worm farms need to be sealed to exclude wildlife and easy to access for regular addition of kitchen scraps. This is the latest version to try.  I bought a set of 3 Little Rotters

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