Goodenia ovata – yellow flowers on an unassuming but attractive plant

Although Goodenia ovata is often described as a small, open shrub, it grows as a ground cover on the verge.

It’s extremely hardy and always seems to have cheerful yellow flowers.The leaves are glossy green with a serrated edge.
Bought as tube stock from Kumbartcho Nursery


A second Goodenia bought from Plant Shack in August 2018. Planted in semi-shade under the acacia fimbriata in the front garden.

This one is doing well under the Crinum pedunculatum. It combines well with the blue flowers of the Scaevola.

3 x Goodenia ovata (top) and 3 x Goodenia rotundifolia
We will see which the bees prefer. (Dec 2020)
One planted in the postie bed on the verge. Others on the north wall bed.

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