Eremophila debilis

Common names winter apple or amulla, endemic to east coast extending from north Queensland to near the border between New South Wales and Victoria in Australia. (wikipedia)

It is a prostrate shrub with lance-shaped leaves and white, rarely deep mauve flowers. Spreading weak stems up to 1 metre long.

Flowering mainly in spring and summer, followed by rounded, fleshy, white to reddish purple fruits.

Sometimes called Myoporum debile. It is suitable as a groundcover as long as the soil is reasonably well-drained.

Tubestock from Kumbartcho December 2019

Eremophila debilis

Propagate from cuttingsĀ using hardened, current season’s growth

Update November 2020. This is doing surprisingly well in vertical garden on the east wall (facing west). Tiny white flowers followed by berries. A seedling came up in a lower pot.

Another added to the Poa grass pot, and under theĀ Pavetta australiensis


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