Viola hederacea / banksii (Native Violet)

I call the native violet my weed of choice. This is not meant in a derogatory sense. Bare soil will always be colonised by something so why not encourage this friendly little plant to out-compete less attractive weeds and be the default groundcover.

Native Violets grow in all sorts of places from full shade to fairly sunny, including to my surprise, the verge.

The little native bees love their flowers.

Native Violet providing groundcover or a living mulch under a bromelaid.
Viola Hederacea (Native Violet) providing an attractive groundcover or a living mulch under a bromelaid.

This native violet by the front door acts as a ground cover, keeping grass out.

Native violet growing around the cobblestones
Native violet growing around the cobblestones

These cobblestones were the original border of a narrower bed along the front wall.

They flower all year round and appeared in out July 2018 Flower hunt.

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