January 2017

January 2017 was very hot, very dry. Bird baths sometimes needed topping up twice a day.

On the verge: Zinnias, salvia, geranium, sedum holding up well. Gerberas have come back to life. Seems too hot for cosmos. Osteospermum struggling and a few plants have given up.

Seeds planted in trays – spinach, asparagus pea, capsicum

27 Jan – Planted out spinach seedlings in bed on northside of tank.

Various lettuce in pot with grape doing surprisingly well despite the heat.

Harvest: Occasional strawberry and blueberry, lettuce, various herbs

Pool/Tank: Finally removed last of pipes. Filled hole left behind wall and planted maindenhair, native violet and Peperomia Blanda. Saw a large blue toungue cutting across this corner from back to east fence.

In flower: Zinnias, salvia, geranium, Peaches & cream grevillea, Caloundra Gem grevillea, Westringia, Kangaroo paw, native violet, some cosmos, alyssum, scaevola fan flowers, seaside daisies, rosemary, basil, coleus, snapdragon, begonia, calendula, calliopsis, petunias

Birds seen in garden:

  • Superb Fairy wrens (resident) – very fond of mulch and the flower garden in front of hay bales.
  • Brown honeyeaters (resident)
  • Peaceful Doves – front garden, in the wattle and native area and on the ground.
  • Rainbow Lorikeets in Lyrebird Grevillea
  • Blue-faced Honeyeaters – in the Peaches & Cream Grevillea
  • Welcome Swallows checking out their nesting site under the deck
  • Double-barred Finch – in pairs in the birdbath and wattle tree.
  • Willy Wagtails – usually a pair in the birdbath, and on back fence.
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